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The Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Trust is the International Organisation for Rolls-Royce and Bentley Enthusiasts. With the emphasis being on ENTHUSIAST rather than owner, we embrace anyone with a genuine interest in the life and works of Sir Henry Royce, The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls and their distinguished colleagues and successors, who created the “Best Car in the World”.


Our Members are a dedicated group with the primary aim of raising money in support of our charitable aims through Regular Social Events, Car Meets, Driving Tours and Rallies.  Organised by our Regional Sections and Vehicle Registers, aided by a dedicated Head Office Staff, we produce a monthly Magazine and Email Newsletter, have a Club Shop selling Rolls-Royce and Bentley related books, branded clothing and other products.  It is to the Member’s credit that annual subscriptions cover our overheads thus allowing all additional monies raised to be directed towards our charitable aims.

Rolls-Royce History and Education

We are a focal point of education where the Rich History and Heritage of Rolls-Royce can be brought to life.  A place where the crafts and skills of vehicle restoration can be demonstrated, passed on and maintained.  A place of reference for all things relative to the history and development of Rolls and Royce from their first meeting in 1904 to the present day.

Life Experiences

Children today may occasionally see a Rolls-Royce motorcar, very few will ride or even sit in one, more often they will see a RR badge on an aeroplane engine cowling but how many will understand anything about the rich heritage that exists behind that badge?  A visit to the Heritage Centre includes the option of our ‘Ride and Drive’ program where the dream of sitting, riding or even driving a Rolls-Royce motorcar can be realised.

Get Onto Wheels

We take motoring for granted and complain about the traffic, but many people find travel difficult or impossible but the provision of a modern mobility vehicle can change a life and open up forgotten horizons.  Our ‘Get Onto Wheels’ program helps to provide powered wheelchairs and scooters for UK residents who have severe disabilities and who cannot obtain such equipment through any other means. Working alongside Mobility Trust we aim to reach and help people who, quite simply, have nowhere else to turn.


Our ‘Student Apprenticeship Scheme’ enables small artisan firms to partner with us and employ students, enabling their own expansion while passing on the hand skills and knowledge which would otherwise be lost.  ​Public demonstrations in our workshops help to educate the public in many of the disappearing skills used to create these fine motorcars many dating back over 100 years.

Direct Donations

The further charitable activities of our members and the generosity of the visiting public enables us to support many other transport related causes including:

Age UK

Air Ambulance

Blood Bikes

Guide Dogs for the Blind

Life Boat Institute

Transport Benevolent Fund

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